Pearson plc homepageinvestor relations
  Pearson Annual Report 1997    

Notes to the Accounts


12. Other fixed asset investments


  1997 1996
All figures in £ millions Valuation Book Values Valuation Book Values
Listed 1.3 1.2 111.8 100.2
Unlisted 463.5 138.8 355.0 141.8

  464.8 140.0 466.8 242.0

Note: During the year the Group's 10% shareholding in Television Broadcasts Limited (TVB) was sold for £110.8m. The sale was made cum dividend and consequently £2.1m (1996: £2.8m) has been included in operating profit and a profit on disposal of £4.1m recorded. During the year the Group exchanged its minority equity interests in UK Gold and UK Living, two satellite channels, for 8.8 million shares in Flextech plc. The Group sold 4 million of these shares giving a profit on disposal, before tax, of £23.9m. At 31 December 1997 the Group holds 4.8 million shares in Flextech plc. Subsequent to the year end the Group's 6.3% shareholding in Société Européenne des Satellites was sold for £159.5m (see note 31). If all investments were realised at valuation there would be an estimated liability for taxation, at year end rates, of £78.3m.


All figures in £ millions BSBN TVB Other Total
Summary of movement        
At 31 December 1996 93.7 99.0 49.3 242.0
Exchange differences - 5.6 0.5 6.1
Additions - - 11.2 11.2
Transfer to partnerships and associated undertakings - - (0.4) (0.4)
Transfer to current asset invetsments - - (0.1) (0.1)
Disposals (3.4) (104.6) (9.6) (117.6)
Provisions for permanent diminution in value - - (1.2) (1.2)

Book value at 31 December 1997 90.3 - 49.7 140.0

Valuation at 31 December 1997 255.0 - 209.8 464.8

1997 Annual Report
* Group summary
* Information
* Education
* Entertainment
* Investment banking
* Chairman's statement
* Chief Executive's review
* Financial Review
* Financial Policy
* Consolidated profit and loss account
* Consolidated balance sheet
* Consolidated statement of cash flows
* Statement of total recognised gains and losses
* Note of historical cost profits and losses
* Reconciliation of movements in equity shareholders' funds
* Principal subsidiaries and associates
* Five year summary
* Shareholder information
* Notes to the accounts

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